Judith Turner
What does the medical profession think of AT?

Several of the doctors whom F M Alexander had originally consulted were among the first to recognise the value of his work.

When he came to London he gained the endorsement of Peter MacDonald, later to become chairman of the BMA, and the Nobel prize-winning neurologist Sir Charles Sherrington.

Today the Alexander Technique is recognised by many GPs, who will refer their patients to teachers registered with the Society of Teachers of the Alexander Technique.

In 2008 the British Medical Journal reported the results of a randomised controlled trial of Alexander Technique lessons, exercise, and massage for chronic and recurrent back pain. This study showed that Alexander Technique lessons provide long-term benefit for chronic back pain sufferers. Of all the approaches tested, 24 Alexander Technique lessons proved to be the most beneficial. You can read about these results and see a video here.

You can also read a BBC news report on a trial funded by the Medical Research Council and the NHS Research and Development fund.
Judith Turner
Sweet Briars, Broad Layings, Woolton Hill,
Newbury, Berkshire RG20 9TT
contact: email, 01635 253981 or 07771 896696