About me
Judith Turner
Judith Turner
Sweet Briars, Broad Layings, Woolton Hill,
Newbury, Berkshire RG20 9TT
contact: email, 01635 253981 or 07771 896696
My mother Chile Eagar was fortunate
enough to train as an Alexander teacher
with F M Alexander on one of his early
training courses in London in 1946.

Having been brought up around
Alexander Technique, and suffering with
backache following the birth of my three
children in close succession, I decided to
pursue this method of self-improvement.
After a course of lessons I joined the
three-year training course in Oxford in
1990. On qualifying I set up a practice
working in Woolton Hill, in north
Hampshire. My work continues there
today with referrals from clinics and GPs.

In addition to my private practice I teach
at the Oxford Alexander Training
School, and I teach both staff and pupils
at Bradfield College, near Reading, and
St Swithun’s School, Winchester, mainly
working in the music departments with
musicians and singers. I have also taught
in ICI, Cable and Wireless, and private
law firms.

You can read some testimonials from my